Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reading this book opend my eyes to how america is brain washed. my dad always called the tv the idiot box and i knew that i never learned much watching tv, but after a few chapters of this book you might be getting dumber wile watching tv. I often watch cable cannles that can be considered educational, like annimal planit, discovery, and history, but even these channeles are getting dumbed down. the annimal planit especilly one of my favorit showes grown up was the crocidile hunter witch was an educational wildlife that gave you more then just useless facts about nature. sence steve irwin has past they have been trying to replace that show. right now they have this snake clown on donaled Schultz one wild recon. this show is a take off of the great steve irwins show but its more about being dangoris and adventuris then wild life preservation and and education its more about seeing donaled schultz. the past episode i saw they were captureing a platypus and placeing a tracker on it, but i guss that alone wasnt good enough for tv. so this guy donaled Schultz finds a snakes (some sorta viper) says its ventome is posinos but often is not deadly. He pickes up the snake and countinues to play with it untull it bites him. it took a couple minnits for the snake to strike but it was obvous that he was tryn to get bit for good tv. so with his swealed up hand he countinued the platipuss hunt, and kept putting his hand in every scene. i look at this as propganda and the producers thought people will keep tuning in with the thrill of the snake bite. i have scene discover, animal and history channle have redirected there showes to have people tune in just in the past 10 years sence this book was writin.

1 comment:

  1. Yea thats something zane..i think the same thing to the tv doesn't make anything better and its soemthing that we have allowed something that was suppose to change America for the better..i think as a society we have turned it into something that creates alot of issues that we have today..
