Thursday, April 15, 2010

brand new world

A Brand new world is a much diffrent world then the one we live in today. I dont think this book is as relitive to the future as seams 1984 and seems to me for of a sci fie, novel then an estimate of the future. it is a brave new world that has so much social stratification there is none. everyone geniticaly altured and born into there role in socity. you lose all identification of self when you cant chose your identification. with lose of individuality and they are haveing problomes with the human hatchery so there is a lot to go wrong i just have to keep on reading.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

1984 and today

At first I thought 1984 was way different from life today, and we were in no way heading in that direction. Throughout reading the chapters and thinking of how 1984 compares to today’s world is not that far off from our own reality. We do not have televisions in our house that are controlled by the Government or surveillance cameras watching our every move; but we have a television that the news stations are controlled by a select few stations and surveillance cameras are everywhere. Today’s surveillance cameras are everywhere for safety and mostly to prevent theft. I think to myself, how can you live a day without being on camera? You cannot go into a store or in any public building without being caught on camera. Therefore, if a higher power of Government wanted to know where you were everyday, they could do so by these surveillance camera.
I think the book 1984 relates more to the Soviet Union or a communist Government than to the United States. With technology as great as it is, it would be easier for a socialist Government to take control of the people. They could see where the people were going all the time, have surveillance in vehicles, control what type of medical treatment you get, and control how much and when you make and spend your money. I heard someone today fearing that America could take cash off the market and make everything you buy with a card. Without cash you would not be able to lend money to friends, and all of the work you do would have to be taxed and most of all the Government would have total control over the money we make and spend. The socialist Government does not necessarily have to control our thoughts, however; they could control us by having surveillance everywhere and not allowing us to do anything that is considered “law breaking”.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Titus space travel to the moon related to culture jam. Tutus said “you need the nose of your friends, in space. I feel real sorry for the people who have to travel by themselves.” This goes with problems addressed in culture jam, but in feed it the future and people are dependent on nose. Then during the ride to the moon that Titus needed his friends for, link started wicking Marty’s knees by sliding his chair back. This trip to the moon I related to my tip to Orlando Florida, when as soon as you get off the plane onto the Orlando airport you think you’re in Disney world. All the Merchandise being sold that’s Disney or universal studios, are just feeds trying to get your money as soon as you’re off the plane.

so now that i read the first 40 pages of the book i relize a feed is not what i thought it was when i wrote what was up above or when i took the test. but this book was hard to follow, with them useing the word null, in terms of the word cool. i thought null is a statistacal analyisis, i dont know how these futuristic space vacationers are looking at it. The feed is a chip in there head? like haveing the internet or KGB to ansewr your questions or tell you how to think.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Titus space travel to the moon related to culture jam. Tutus said “you need the nose of your friends, in space. I feel real sorry for the people who have to travel by themselves.” This goes with problems addressed in culture jam, but in feed it the future and people are dependent on nose. Then during the ride to the moon that Titus needed his friends for, link started wicking Marty’s knees by sliding his chair back. This trip to the moon I related to my tip to Orlando Florida, when as soon as you get off the plane onto the Orlando airport you think you’re in Disney world. All the Merchandise being sold that’s Disney or universal studios, are just feeds trying to get your money as soon as you’re off the plane.

p.s. I’m add to this post tonight when I read more but I want to post this before 5

Friday, February 12, 2010

the laziest generation ever

To the question are we the dumbest generation had me thinking this week. how could it be that we have the most advanced tools that man has ever had, the most resources such as schools, hospitals, but how can we be the dumber then the generations before us. we don't use books as resources anymore, we would rather look up the fast facts on the Internet.our generation is simply looking for the easy way out. what isn't necessary the best way but the quickest and easiest. Technology makes life easier but in turn makes us lazy er, no one ever complained about not having a dishwasher before the dishwasher was invented so before there was a dishwasher you just did the dishes and couldn't comp lane about not having a dishwasher.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Reading this book opend my eyes to how america is brain washed. my dad always called the tv the idiot box and i knew that i never learned much watching tv, but after a few chapters of this book you might be getting dumber wile watching tv. I often watch cable cannles that can be considered educational, like annimal planit, discovery, and history, but even these channeles are getting dumbed down. the annimal planit especilly one of my favorit showes grown up was the crocidile hunter witch was an educational wildlife that gave you more then just useless facts about nature. sence steve irwin has past they have been trying to replace that show. right now they have this snake clown on donaled Schultz one wild recon. this show is a take off of the great steve irwins show but its more about being dangoris and adventuris then wild life preservation and and education its more about seeing donaled schultz. the past episode i saw they were captureing a platypus and placeing a tracker on it, but i guss that alone wasnt good enough for tv. so this guy donaled Schultz finds a snakes (some sorta viper) says its ventome is posinos but often is not deadly. He pickes up the snake and countinues to play with it untull it bites him. it took a couple minnits for the snake to strike but it was obvous that he was tryn to get bit for good tv. so with his swealed up hand he countinued the platipuss hunt, and kept putting his hand in every scene. i look at this as propganda and the producers thought people will keep tuning in with the thrill of the snake bite. i have scene discover, animal and history channle have redirected there showes to have people tune in just in the past 10 years sence this book was writin.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My name is Zane Bicher im From lebanon PA, and this is my blog for literature.